san sun-澳门银银河官方网


  • title: 副教授
  • department: 生态学研究所
  • address: 兰州大学逸夫生物楼910室
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2006.10-2009.5, 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,博士后
2009.5-2011.12, 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,中国科学院青藏高原研究所昆明部,助理研究员
2011.12-至今,   兰州大学生命科学学院,生态学研究所,副教授

academic appointments

 1996.9-2000.7  兰州大学生命科学学院生物学基地班 本科/学士
2000.9-2003.7  兰州大学生命科学学院 硕士 动物学/发育生物学
2003.10-2006.7 北京师范大学生命科学学院 博士 生态学/进化生态学

administrative appointments


honors & awards






1.      shan sun, leshowitz m, rychtář j. (2018) the signalling game between plants and pollinators, scientific reports, (2018) 8:6686, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24779-0

2.      shan sun, verdu m. (2016) evolutionary correlation of heterodichogamy and floral longevity. evolutionary ecology, 30(6): 1023–1030.

3.      shan sun, rychtar j. (2015) the screening game in plant-pollinator interactions. evolutionary ecology, 29(4): 479-487.

4.      miguel a. rodriguez-girones, shan sun, luis santamaria. (2015) passive partner choice through exploitation barriersevolutionary ecology, 29(3):323-340.

5.      wen guo, lin-lin wang, shan sun, yong-ping yang, yuan-wen duan. (2014) sexual interference in two chamerion species with contrasting modes of movement herkogamy. journal of systematics and evolution, 52(3): 355-362.

6.      j. nathaniel holland, yuanshi wang, shan sun, donald l. deangelis. (2013) consumer-resource dynamics of indirect interactions in a mutualism-parasitism food web module, theoretical ecology, 6(4): 475-493.

7.      yuanshi wang, hong wu, shan sun. (2012) persistence of pollination mutualisms in plant-pollinator-robber systems. theoretical population biology, 81(3): 243-250.

8.      shan sun, pierre-olivier cheptou. (2012) life-history traits evolution across distribution ranges: how the joint evolution of dispersal and mating system favor the evolutionary stability of range limits? evolutionary ecology, 26(4): 771-778.

9.      shan sun, da-yong zhang, anthony. r ives, qing-jun li. (2011) why do stigmas move in a flexistylous plant? journal of evolutionary biology, 24(3): 497-504.

10.    bo zhang, regine claßen-bockhoff, zhi-qiang zhang, shan sun, yan-jiang luo, qing-jun li. (2011) functional implications of the staminal lever mechanism in salvia cyclostegia (lamiaceae). annals of botany, 107(4): 621-628.

11.    shan sun, jiang-yun gao, wan-jin liao, qing-jun li, da-yong zhang. (2007) adaptive significance of flexistyly in alpinia blepharocalyx (zingiberaceae): a hand-pollination experiment. annals of botany 99(4): 661–666.

14.    徐旭剑, 孙杉, 操国兴. (2017) 云南草寇花序内不同部位的性分配. 广西植物, 37(3): 335-341.

15.    杨彬, 吕世奇, 寇一翾, 孙杉, 赵长明. (2016) 半干旱地区不同生育期菊芋生长特性与气体交换特征.草业学报, 25(10): 77-85

16.    张勃, 孙杉, 方强恩, 白小明. (2012) 鼠尾草属不同物种的雄蕊杠杆机制对传粉者空间变异的进化响应. 植物生态学报, 36(7): 681-689.

17.    孙杉, 张志强, 张勃, 杨永平. (2012) 从合作的进化探讨植物与传粉者的相互作用. 生物多样性, 20(3): 250-263.

19.    张勃, 孙杉, 张志强, 李庆军. (2010) 杠杆状雄蕊及其进化生态学意义. 植物生态学报, 34(1): 89-99.

20.    孙杉, 操国兴, 罗燕江, 李庆军. (2010) 花柱卷曲性的维持及功能性别特化. 植物生态学报, 34(7): 827-838.

21.    刘敏, 孙杉, 李庆军. (2007) 两种姜科花柱卷曲性植物柱头的位置与其可授性的关系. 生物多样性, 15(6): 639-644.


updated:2018-09-27 | views:... |  | edit