guojun sun-澳门银银河官方网


  • title: 教授
  • department: 干旱农业生态研究所
  • address: 生物2号楼922b
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1987-1989年   甘肃省博物馆

1992年-     兰州大学生命科学学院


academic appointments

1983-1987年  兰州大学生物系植物学专业,理学学士

1989-1992年  兰州大学生物系生态学专业,理学硕士

1996-1999年  兰州大学生物系生态学专,理学博士

1999-2002年  中国科学院西北高原生物研究所博士后

2008-2009年  加拿大渥太华大学访问学者

administrative appointments
honors & awards









2003年主持重大基础研究前期研究专项:高寒植物抗寒性的遗传力分析,批准号: 2002ccd02400
2006.10- 2009.10科技部国际合作重点项目:国家农业规划支撑系统—中国作物填图批准号:2006dfa31070
2008.1- 2010.12参加国家重大专项子课题黑河流域水生态功能一级二级分区研究,批准号:2008zx07526-002-05
2010.4- 2013.3主持科技部国际合作重点项目:生态-农业评估管理(eam)信息平台技术合作 批准号:2010dfa31450
2010.11-2013.11中国-联合国-非洲水资源科技合作行动子课题:尼罗河流域典型地区植被生态保护技术合作 批准号:2010dfa92800





非洲常见植物--户外识别图鉴 孙国钧 兰州大学出版社 2014年10月

非洲常见动物--户外识别图鉴 孙国钧 兰州大学出版社 2015年12月



  1. y. wang, g. j. sun*, f. zhang1, j. qi, and c. y. zhao,modeling impacts of farming management practices on greenhouse gas emissions in the oasis region of china,biogeosciences, 8, 2377–2390, 2011
  2. daqian liu , fan wana, rui guo, fengmin li , huhua cao, guojun suna∗,gis-based modeling of potential yield distributions for different oat varieties in china,mathematical and computer modelling,54, 869–876,2011
  3. liu xun,li feng-min,liu da-qian and sun guo-jun soil organic carbon, carbon fractions and nutrients as affected by land use in semi-arid region of loess plateau of china pedosphere 20(2): 146–152, 2010
  4. jiansheng,ye, guo, anhong, & sun, guojun* (2009) statistical analysis of reference evapotranspiration on the tibetan plateau. journal of irrigation & drainage engineering, 135, 134-140.
  5. jiansheng, ye, li, fengmin, & sun, guojun* (2009) a multi-criteria evaluation approach to access agricultural land use potential on the loess plateau of china. intelligent automation and soft computing, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 891-901 
  6. chen yaxiong,guo rui,zhao wenlong ,zhou weihong,jia chaojie,sun guojun*. a plant programming of the main food crops in china.[c]// book of abstracts of joint international agricultural conferenc.beijing: china agricultural university, 2009: p. 414-415
  7. guo, rui; chen, yaxiong; wan, fan; li, fengmin; liu, jumei; sun, guojun*.2010.delineation of suitable areas for potato in china using a multi-criteria evaluation approach and geographic information system. sensor letters 8(1):167-172.
  8. zhao wenlong,li fengmin,mou yanling,jia chaojie,sun guojun*,simulation of farming suitability for arid-agriculture using a gis-evaluation approach in the loess plateau, china. [c]// book of abstracts of joint international agricultural conferenc.beijing: china agricultural university, 2009: p18-19.
  9. gang pan, guo-jun sun*, and feng-min li. using quickbird imagery and production efficiency model to improve crop yield estimation in the semi-arid loess plateau, china. environmental modelling and software. 2009, 24 :510–516
  10. liu huiming, li fengmin, sun guojun*.2009, land-use change dynamics and cluster analysis of agricultural structure in the zuli river basin in recent 20 years. in ifip international federation for processing, volume 293, computer and computing technologies in agriculture ii, volume 1, eds. d. li, z. chunjiang,(boston: springer), pp. 49-58
  11. fan wan, zhen wang, fengmin li  , huhua cao, guojun sun*, 2009, gis-based crop support system for common oat and naked oat in china . in ifip international federation for processing, volume 293, computer and computing technologies in agriculture ii, volume 1, eds. d. li, z. chunjiang,(boston: springer), pp. 209-221
  12. wang xiao-ling, guo-jun sun, yu jia, feng-min li* and jin-zhang xu. 2008. crop yield and soil water restoration on 9-year-old alfalfa pasture in the semiarid loess plateau of china. agricultural water management, 95(3): 190 – 198
  13. yu jia, bing-cheng xu, xiao-ling wang, guo-jun sun, jin-zhang xu,  feng-min li*. 2007. the effect of micro-catchment technique on forage yield and soil water in seeded alfalfa in semiarid loess region. journal of plant ecology, 31(3): 470-475
  14. gang pan, feng-min li, and guo-jun sun*. digital camera based measurement of crop cover for wheat yield prediction. proceedings of international geoscience and remote sensing symposium 23-28  july 2007:797-800
  15. da-yong zhang, guo-jun sun, xin-hua jiang,1999, donald ideotype and growth redundancy: a game theoretical analysis field crops res., 1999, 61: 179-187.




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