













education background:











2013.05-2022.12,   兰州大学生命科学学院   教 授  博士生导师

2009.05-2013.05,兰州大学生命科学学院   副教授  硕士生导师

2007.07-2009.05,兰州大学生命科学学院   讲师


sci期刊archives of animal nutrition和grassland science编委。journal of animal science and biotechology专刊编辑;frontiers in micorobiology专辑编辑。

国际青贮饲料科学学会(international silage science society, isss)发起人与组委会成员,第十九届国际青贮饲料大会主席(2023)。中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员,中国草学会草产品加工委员会副主任委员。中国饲料工业协会粗饲料委员会副主任委员,中国饲料工业协会生物饲料委员会委员。




  • 甘肃省科技重大专项“传统发酵牦牛酸奶源乳酸菌种质资源遗传多样性及益生功能发掘研究”(23zdka0007,2024-2026)-主持。
  • 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目“青藏高原牧草青贮乳酸菌遗传多样性、生物学特性及其环境适应的遗传进化机制研究(u20a2002,2021-2024)-主持。
  • 国家重点研发计划项目子课题“全株饲用玉米与苜蓿加工关键技术”(2022yfd130100202,2022-2027)--主持。
  • 甘肃省科技重大项目“甘肃陇中陇东黄土高原丘陵区种养生态循环农业关键技术研究与应用 ”(212d4na012, 2021-2024)--主持。
  • 国家重点研发计划政府间(中美)国际科技创新合作重点专项项目“我国南北方青贮饲料发酵品质与安全调控技术研究”(2017yfe0104300,2018-2020)-主持
  • 国家自然科学基金项目“产iia类细菌素乳酸菌对饲草青贮品质与体外瘤胃发酵特性的影响及其调控机制”(31872417,2019-2021)-主持
  • 国家重点研发计划项目子课题“青贮饲料发酵机理及优质青贮调控技术研究”(2017yfd0502102-1,2017-2020)-主持
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于微生物组与代谢组学的青贮饲料发酵调控技术研究”(31672487,2017-2020)-主持
  • 兰州市人才创新创业项目“青藏高原功能性乳酸菌资源开发利用关键技术与产业化示范”(2016-rc-55,2017-2019)-主持
  • 甘肃省科技支撑计划项目“紫花苜蓿青贮工艺及高效饲喂奶牛的技术研究与示范”(1304nkca124,2013-2015)-主持
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目“青藏高原牧草附着乳酸菌的遗传多样性及其饲料青贮应用的基础研究”(31272486,2013-2016)-主持
  • 国家公益性(农业)行业专项“饲草青贮工艺技术及配套设施装备的研究与示范”研究任务“高热高湿区黑麦草青贮技术研究与示范”(2013-2016)-主持
  • 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目“青藏高原传统发酵牦牛酸奶中乳酸菌的遗传多样性及生物功能评价”(net-11-0209,2012-2014)
  • “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划课题“优质牧草资源开发与多元化草产品加工利用关键技术研究与集成示范”(2011bad17b02,2012-2015)-参加
  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目“牦牛适应高寒营养胁迫的氮代谢机制”(31170378,2012-2015)—参加
  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金“苜蓿青贮中蛋白降解酶的种类、特性及其作用机理(30800800,2009-2011)”—主持
  • 教育部博士点基金新教师项目“苜蓿青贮过程中蛋白的降解特性研究”(200807301008,2009-2011)—主持
  • 兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“牦牛适应高寒营养胁迫的氮代谢机制”(lzujbky-2009-46,2010.1-2010-12)-主持
  • 兰州大学干旱与草地生态教育部重点实验室开放基金“青藏高原不同海拔梯度与牧草中乳酸菌多样性的相关机制研究”(2009.7-2011.6)-主持
  • “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目“西藏牦牛良种选育、高校养殖及产业化开发研究”课题“饲草生产体系研究(2007bad63b04,2007-2010)”—参加
  • 农业部公益性行业科研专项“人工草地优质牧草生产技术研究与示范”子课题(编号: nyhyzx07-22;时间:2007-2010)—主持
  • 欧盟项目:rangeland enclosure on the tibetan plateau of china: impacts on pastoral livelihoods, markerting, livestock productivity and rangeland biodiversity(inco-032350; 2007-2010)-参加





  • 乳酸菌种质资源发掘、创新与利用
  • 益生菌(乳酸菌)与人体健康
  • 生物饲料(青贮饲料)发酵调控与健康养殖


“ 国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”领军人才(2022年),教育部新世纪人才(2011年),甘肃省飞天学者特聘教授(2022年)。甘肃省科技工作先进个人(2020年)。甘肃省道德模范敬业奉献模范(2020年)。






zhang xia, zitong ding, samaila usman, jiayao zhang, mengyan chen, xusheng guo*. 2023. metagenomics insights into the effects of lactic acid bacteria inoculation on the biological reduction of antibiotic resistance genes in alfalfa silage. journal of hazardous materials. 443,part b, 130329.

dongmei xu, xingguo zhang, xianjun yuan, hongyan han, yanlin xue, xusheng guo*. 2023. hazardous risk of antibiotic resistance genes: host occurrence, distribution, mobility and vertical transmission from different environments to corn silage. environmental pollution. 338, 122671.

xia zhang, samaila usman, ibrahim bature, dongmei xu, xusheng guo*. 2023. occurrence and fate of antibiotic-resistance genes and their potential hosts in high-moisture alfalfa silage treated with or without formic acid bactericide. journal of environmental management.347, 119235.

xusheng guo, dongmei xu, fuhou li, jie bai, rina su. 2023. current approaches on the roles of lactic acid bacteria in crop silage. microbial biotechnology, 16:67–87.

yixin zhang; musen wang; samaila usman; fuhou li; jie bai; jiayao zhang; xusheng guo*. 2023. lignocellulose conversion of ensiled caragana korshinskii kom. facilitated by pediococcus acidilactici and cellulases. microbial biotechnology, 16:432-447.

ziqian li, musen wang, samaila usman, ashiq khan, yixin zhang, fuhou li, jie bai, mengyan chen, ying zhang and xusheng guo*. 2023. effects of nisin on bacterial community and fermentation profiles, in vitro rumen fermentation, microbiota, and methane emission of alfalfa silage. j sci food agric, 103: 6706–6718.

fuhou li, samaila usman, wenkang huang, mengya jia, zohreh akhavan kharazian, tao ran, fadi li, zitong ding, and xusheng guo*. 2023. effects of inoculating feruloyl esterase-producing lactiplantibacillus plantarum a1 on ensiling characteristics, in vitro ruminal fermentation and microbiota of alfalfa silage. journal of animal science and biotechnology, 14:43.

rina su, wencan ke, samaila usman, jie bai, zohreh akhavan kharazian, xusheng guo*. 2023. dry matter content and inoculant alter the metabolome and bacterial community of alfalfa ensiled at high temperature. applied microbiology and biotechnology, 107, 3443–3457.

rina su, wencan ke, jie bai, musen wang, samaila usman, dongmei xie, dongmei xu, mengyan chen & xusheng guo*. 2023. comprehensive profiling of the metabolome in corn silage inoculated with or without lactiplantibacillus plantarum using different untargeted metabolomics analyses. archives of animal nutrition, doi.org/10.1080/1745039x.2023.2247824

xia zhang; marcia franco; zohreh akhavan kharazian; ashiq khan; jiayao zhang; zitong ding; xusheng guo*. 2023. lactiplantibacillus plantarum bx62 reduces methane production, and improves antioxidant capacity and rumen fermentation in vitro. animal feed science and technology,300, 115655.

ziqian li; fuhou li; zohreh akhavan kharazian; xusheng guo*. 2023. effect of inoculating two bacteriocin-producing lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains at ensiling on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane emissions of alfalfa silage with two dry matter contents. animals, 13(3), 384.

li, wenyuan, li'e gao, wenkang huang, ying ma, ishaq muhammad, anum hanif, zitong ding, xusheng guo*. 2022. antioxidant properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional fermented yak milk and their probiotic effects on the oxidative senescence of caenorhabditis elegans. food & function.13,3690-3703.

fang liu, jie bai, wenkang huang, fouhou, li, wencan, ke, yixin, zhang, dongmei xie, bo zhang, xusheng guo*.2022. characterization of a novel beta-cypermethrin-degrading strain of lactobacillus pentosus 3-27 and its effects on bioremediation and the bacterial community of contaminated alfalfa silage. journal of hazardous materials. 423, part a, 127101.

zitong ding, jiandui mi, jianwei zhou, wencan ke, xusheng guo*.2022. characterization of the microbial community compositions and diversities in the traditional fermented yak milk from different ecotopes on the qinghai-tibetan plateau. lwt-food science and technology. 156,113027.

bai jie, zitong ding, rina su, musen wang, mengyan cheng, dongmei xie, xusheng guo*. 2022. storage temperature is more effective than lactic acid bacteria inoculations in manipulating fermentation and bacterial community diversity, co-occurrence and functionality of the whole-plant corn silage. microbiology spectrum. 10 (2), e00101-22.

zhang xia, wencan ke, zitong ding, dongmei xu, musen wang, menyan chen, xusheng guo*. 2022. microbial mechanisms of using feruloyl esterase-producing lactobacillus plantarum a1 and grape pomace to improve fermentation quality and mitigate ruminal methane emission of ensiled alfalfa for cleaner animal production. journal of environmental management, 308, 114637.

bai, j., franco, m., ding, z. lin hao, wencan ke, musen wang, dongmei xie, ziqian li, yixin zhang, lin ai, xusheng guo*. 2022. effect of bacillus amyloliquefaciens and bacillus subtilis on fermentation, dynamics of bacterial community and their functional shifts of whole-plant corn silage. j animal sci biotechnol. 13, 7.

li fuhou, baibing zhang, yixin zhang, xia zhang, samaila usman, zitong ding, lizhuang hao, xusheng guo*. 2022. probiotic effect of ferulic acid esterase-producing lactobacillus plantarum inoculated alfalfa silage on digestion, antioxidant, and immunity status of lactating dairy goats. animal nutrition. 11, 38-47.

musen wang, mengyan chen, jie bai, jiayao zhang, rina su, marcia franco, zitong ding, xia zhang, ying zhang, xusheng guo*. 2022. ensiling characteristics, in vitro rumen fermentation profile, methane emission and archaeal and protozoal community of silage prepared with alfalfa, sainfoin and their mixture. animal feed science and technology. 284,115154.

ishaq, m.,khan,a.,bacha,a.,shah,t.,hanif,a.,ahmad,a.,ke,w.,li,f.,ud din,a.,ding,z., guo,x.s*.2021. microbiota targeted interventions of probiotic lactobacillus as an anti-ageing approach. antioxidants, 10(12), 1930.

bai jie, zitong ding, wencan ke, dongmei xu, museng wang, wenkang huang, yixin zhang, fang liu, xusheng guo*. 2021. different lactic acid bacteria and their combinations regulated the fermentation process of ensiled alfalfa: ensiling characteristics, dynamics of bacterial community and their functional shifts. microbial biotechnology, 14(3),1171-1182.

dongmei xu, nian wang, marketta rinne, wencan ke, zwika g. weinberge, da mic, jie bai, yixin zhang, fuhou li, xusheng guo* 2021. the bacterial community and metabolome dynamics and their interactions modulated fermentation process of whole crop corn silage prepared with or without inoculants. microbial biotechnology, 14(2), 561–576.

ashiq khan, zitong ding, muhammad ishaq, ali sher bacha, israr khan, anum hanif, wenyuan li, and xusheng guo*. 2021. understanding the effects of gut microbiota dysbiosis on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the possible probiotics role: recent updates. international journal of biological sciences, 17(3): 818-833.

zhang y.x., z.p. huang, d. vyas, a.t. adesogan, m. francoc, w.c. ke, f.h. li, j. bai, z.t. ding, x.s. guo*. 2021. antioxidant status, chemical composition and fermentation profile of alfalfa silage ensiled at two dry matter contents with a novel lactobacillus plantarum strain with high-antioxidant activity. animal feed science and technology. 272, 114751.

li, f.h., z.t. ding, x.z. chen, y.x. zhang, w.c. ke, x. zhang, z. q. li, s. usmana, x.s. guo* 2021. the effects of lactobacillus plantarum with feruloyl esterase-producing ability or high antioxidant activity on the fermentation, chemical composition, and antioxidant status of alfalfa silage. animal feed science and technology. 273, 114835.

wang musen, run gao, marcia franco, david b. hannaway, wencan ke, zitong ding, zhu yu, and xusheng guo*. 2021. effect of mixing alfalfa with whole-plant corn in different proportions on fermentation characteristics and bacterial community of silage. agriculture, 11, 174.

wencan ke, zitong ding, fuhou li, dongmei xu, jie bai, ishaq muhammad, yixin zhang, liansheng zhao, and xusheng guo*.2021. the effects of malic or citric acid on the fermentation quality, proteolysis and lipolysis of alfalfa silage ensiled at two dry matter contents.journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. doi: 10.1111/jpn.13630.

huang zhipeng, museng wang, wencan ke, xusheng guo*.2021. screening of high 1,2-propanediol production by lactobacillus buchneri strains and their effects on fermentation characteristics and aerobic stability of whole-plant corn silage. agriculture. 11,590.

zhang xia, hucheng wang, xusheng guo. 2021. effects of total mixed ration with various silage on growth performance, serum parameters, ruminal fermentation, and bacteria community profile in beef cattle. food science and nutrition. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2498.

zhang x, wang h, guo x. 2021. comparative analysis of rumen fermentation parameters and bacterial proles during adaption to different fattening stages in beef cattle fed tmr with various forage silage. animal feed science and technology. 9:115006.

xu dongmei, zitong ding, museng wang, jie bai, wencan ke, yixin zhang, xusheng guo*. 2020. characterization of the bacterial community, metabolome and biotransformation of phenolic compounds in sainfoin (onobrychis viciifolia) silage ensiled with or without inoculants. bioresource technology, 316, 123910.

bai jie, dongmei xu, dongmei xie, musen wang, ziqian li, xusheng guo*. 2020. effects of antibacterial peptide-producing bacillus subtilis and lactobacillus buchneri on fermentation, aerobic stability, and microbial communities during ensiling and aerobic exposure of alfalfa silage. bioresource technology, 315, 123881.

xu dongmei, zitong ding, jie bai, wencan ke, yixin zhang, fuhou li, xusheng guo*. 2020. evaluation of feruloyl esterase-producing lactic acid bacteria and cellulose pretreatments on fermentation profiles, carbohydrates composition and enzymatic hydrolysis of co-ensiled corn stalk and potato pulp. bioresource technology, 310, 123476.

li fuhou, wencan ke, zitong ding, jie bai, yixin zhang, dongmei xu, ziqian li, xusheng guo*. 2020. pretreatment of pennisetum sinese silages with ferulic acid esterase-producing lactic acid bacteria and cellulase at two dry matter contents: fermentation characteristics, carbohydrates composition and enzymatic saccharification. bioresource technology, 2020, 295, 122261.

zitong ding, anum hanif, wenyuan li, li’e gao, wencan ke, and xusheng guo*. 2020. influence of a cholesterol-lowering strain lactobacillus plantarum lp3 isolated from traditional fermented yak milk on gut bacterial microbiota and metabolome of rats fed with a high-fat diet. food and function. 11, 8342–8353.

ding zitong, jie bai, dongmei xu, fuhou li, yixin zhang and xusheng guo*. 2020. microbial community dynamics and natural fermentation profiles of ensiled alpine grass elymus nutans prepared from different regions of the qinghai-tibetan plateau. frontiers in microbiology, 11, 885.

zhang y.x., w.c. ke, j. bai, f.h. li, d.m. xu, z.t. ding*, x.s. guo*. 2020. the effect of pediococcus acidilactici j17 with high-antioxidant activity on antioxidant, α‑tocopherol, β‑carotene, and fermentation profiles of alfalfa silage ensiled at two dry matter contents. animal feed science and technology, 268, 114614.

guo x.s., j. bai, f.h. li, d.m. xu, y.x. zhang, d.p. bu, l.s. zhao. 2020. effects of four organic acids known as key intermediates in citric acid cycle on fermentation, biochemical composition, aerobic stability and digestibility of alfalfa silage. animal feed science and technology. 268, 114604.

fuhou li, zitong ding, adegbola t. adesogan, wencan ke, yun jiang, jie bai, shah mudassar, yixin zhang, wenkang huang and xusheng guo*. 2020. effects of class iia bacteriocin‐producing lactobacillus species on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of alfalfa silage. animals, 10, 1575.

ashiq khan, zitong ding, muhammad ishaq, israr khan, anum ali ahmed, abdul qadir khan, xusheng guo*. 2020. applications of beneficial plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and mycorrhizae in rhizosphere and plant growth: a review. international journal of agricultural and biological engineering. 13, 199-208.

himali tharangani, changwen lu, liansheng zhao, lu ma, xusheng guo, william p. weiss and dengpan bu. 2020. estimation of between-cow variability in nutrient digestion of lactating dairy cows fed corn-based diets. animals. 10, 1363.

xiang fang, qinchun duan, zhuo wang , fuyun li, jianxiong du, wencan ke, diru liu, ross c. beier, xusheng guo, and ying zhang. 2020. products of lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.bulgaricus strain f17 and leuconostoc lactis strain h52 are biopreservatives for improving postharvest quality of ‘red globe’ grapes. microorganisms. 8, 656.

fuhou li, zitong ding, wencan ke, dongmei xu, ping zhang, jie bai, shah mudassar, ishaq muhammad, xusheng guo*. 2019. ferulic acid esterase-producing lactic acid bacteria and cellulase pretreatments of corn stalk silage at two different temperatures: ensiling characteristics, carbohydrates composition and enzymatic saccharification. bioresource technology. 281,211-221.

xu d.m., ding w.r., ke w.c., li f.h., guo x.s.* 2019. modulation of metabolome and bacterial community in whole crop corn silage by inoculating homofermentative lactobacillus plantarum and heterofermentative lactobacillus buchneri.frontiers in microbiology. 9:3299.

xiang fang,yanlin li, wei guo, wencan ke, sisi bi, xusheng guo* and ying zhang* 2019.lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus f17 and leuconostoc lactis h52 supernatants delay the decay of strawberry fruits: a microbiome perspective.food and function.dio:10.1039/c9fo02079a

x. fang, l. w. guo, h. chen, w. c. ke, w. guo, x. s. guo*and y. zhang*.2019. characteristics of volatile flavor components in traditional fermented yak milk produced in different ecoregions of the qinghai-tibetan plateau.2019.j. dairy sci. 103:191–200.

ding, z.t, d.m. xu, j. bai, f.h. li, a.t. adesogan p. zhang, x.j. yuan and x.s. guo*. 2019. characterization and identification of ferulic acid esterase-producing lactobacillus species isolated from elymus nutans silage and their application in ensiled alfalfa.10.1111/jam.14374.

xu d.m., ding w.r., ke w.c., li f.h., guo x.s.* 2018. characteristics of pediococcus pentosaceus q6 isolated from elymus nutans growing on the tibetan plateau and its application for silage preparation at low temperature. journal of applied microbiology. 1:40-48.

ke w.c., ding w.r., w.r.ding, ding l.m, xu d.m., zhang, li f.h., guo x.s.* 2018. influences of malic acid isomers and their application levels on fermentation quality and biochemical characteristics of alfalfa silage. animal feed science and technology. 245:1-9.

guo, x. s.; ke, w. c.; ding, w. r.; ding, l. m.; xu, d. m.; wang, w. w.; zhang, p.; yang, f. y. 2018. profiling of metabolome and bacterial community dynamics in ensiled medicago sativa inoculated without or with lactobacillus plantarum or lactobacillus buchneri. scientific reports, 1.10, 8.

ke wencan, wurong ding, dongmei xu, mian nazir shah, ping zhang & xusheng guo*. 2018. influences of addition of malic acid or citric acid, lactobacillus plantarum and their mixtures on fermentation quality, proteolysis and fatty acid composition of ensiled alfalfa. archives of animal nutrition, 6,492-502.

zhou, j. w. liu, h.,  zhong, c. l., degen, a. a., yang, g., zhang, y., qian, j. l., wang, w. w., hao, l. z., qiu, q., shang, z. h., guo, x. s., ding, l. m., long, r. j. 2018. apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation, digestive enzymes and urinary purine derivatives in yaks and qaidam cattle offered forage-concentrate diets differing in nitrogen concentration. livestock science, 2, 208: 14-21.

ke w.c., w.r. ding, d.m. xu, l.m. ding, p. zhang, f.d. li, x.s. guo*.2017. effect of addition of malic or citric acids on fermentation quality and chemical characteristics of alfalfa silage. journal of dairy science. 100:8958-8966.

ding wurong, wencan ke, jianwei zhou, ming chen,lina wang, xusheng guo*, ruijun long. 2017. characterization of antioxidant properties of lactic acid bacteria isolated from spontaneously fermented yak milk in the tibetan plateau.journal of functional foods, 35(8): 481-488.

ding w.r., shi c, chen m, zhou j. w., long r. j.*, guo x. s*. 2017. screening for lactic acid bacteria in traditional fermented tibetan yak milk and evaluating their probiotic and cholesterol-lowering potentials in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet. journal of functional foods. 32:324-332.

zhou, j. w.; mi, j. d.; degen, a. a.; ding, l. m.; guo, x. s.; shang, z. h.; wang, w. w.; long, r. j. 2017. urinary purine derivatives excretion, rumen microbial nitrogen synthesis and the efficiency of utilization of recycled urea in tibetan and fine-wool sheep. animal feed science and technology, 227: 24-31.

zhou, j. w.; zhong, c. l.; liu, h.; degen, a. a.; titgemeyer, e. c.; ding, l. m.; shang, z. h.; guo, x. s.; qiu, q.; li, z. p.; yang, g.; long, r. j. 2017. comparison of nitrogen utilization and urea kinetics between yaks (bos grunniens) and indigenous cattle (bos taurus). journal of animal science, 95(10): 4600-4612.

ke wc, fy yang, dj undersander, xs guo*. 2015. fermentation characteristics, aerobic stability, proteolysis and lipid composition of alfalfa silage ensiled with apple or grape pomace. animal feed science and technology. 202, 12-19.

ding l.m., chen j.q., long r.j., gibb m.j., wang l., sang c., mi j.d., zhou j.w., liu p.p., shang z.h., guo x.s., qiu q., marquardt s. 2015. blood hormonal and metabolite levels in grazing yak steers undergoing compensatory growth. animal feed science and technology, 209:30-39

zhou j. w., j. d. mi, e. c. titgemeyer, x. s. guo, l. m. ding, h. c wang, z. p. li, and r. j. long. 2015. a comparison of nitrogen utilization and urea metabolism between tibetan and fine-wool sheep. journal of animal science, 93:3006-3017.

zhou j. w., j. d. mi, x. s. guo, h. c. wang, l. m. ding, q. qiu, r. j. long. 2015. apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen balance in tibetan and fine-wool sheep offered a forage-concentrate diet differing in nitrogen concentration. journal of agricultural science,153, 1135–1145

zhou j.w., x.s. guo, a.a. degen, y. zhang, h. liu, j.d. mi, l.m. ding, h.c. wang, q. qiu, r.j. long.2015. urea kinetics and nitrogen balance and requirements for maintenance in tibetan sheep when fed oat hay. small ruminant research 129, 60–68.

guo x. s., ruijun long, michael kreuzer, luming ding, zhanhuan shang, ying zhang, yang yang and guangxin cui. 2014. importance of functional ingredients in yak milk derived food from alpine region on health of tibetan nomads living under high altitude stress-a review. critical reviews in food science and nutrition 54, 292-302

l.m. ding, y.p. wang, a. brosh, j.q. chen, m.j. gibb, z.h. shang, x.s. guo, j.d. mi, j.w. zhou, h.c. wang, q. qiu, r.j. long. 2014. seasonal heat production and energy balance of grazing yakson the qinghai-tibetan plateau. animal feed science and technology. 198,83–93.

x. s. guo, d. j. undersander, d. k. combs. 2013. effects of lactobacillus inoculants and forage dry matter on the fermentation and aerobic stability of ensiled mixed-crop tall fescue and meadow fescue. journal of dairy science 96 (3), 1735-1744.

ding. wr, rj. long, and x.s. guo*. 2013. effects of plant enzyme inactivation and sterilization on lipolysis and proteolysis in alfalfa silage. journal of dairy science 96 (4), 2536-2543.

ding w.r., x.s. guo*, kazuo ataku. 2013. characterization of peptides in ensiled alfalfa treated with different chemical additives. animal science journal 84(12), 774-781.

ding l, y wang, m kreuzer, x guo, r. long. 2013. seasonal variations in the fatty acid profile of milk from yaks grazing on the qinghai-tibetan plateau. journal of dairy research, 4, 410-417

tao l., x.s. guo*, h. zhou, d.j. undersander. 2012. characteristics of proteolytic activities of endo- and exopeptidase in alfalfa herbage and their implications for proteolysis in ensilage. journal of dairy science, 95, 4591-4595.

guo x.s., l.m. ding, r. j. long, b. qi, z.h. shang and m. l. lian. 2012. changes of chemical composition to high altitude result in kobresia littledalei growing in alpine meadow of the tibet plateau with high feeding values to local herbivores. animal feed science and technology, 173, 186-193.

zhang y., j.w. zhou, x.s. guo, r.j. long. 2012. influences of dietary nitrogen and non-fiber carbohydrate levels on apparent digestibility, rumen fermentation and nitrogen utilization in growing yaks fed low quality forage based-diet. livestock science, 147, 139-147.

lian tao, menglu li, xusheng guo, fuyu yang and he zhou, 2012. effect of epiphytic microorganisms and exogenous lactic acid bacteria on the formation of non-protein nitrogen during the ensiling of alfalfa. journal of animal and veterinary advances, 11: 2181-2186.

guo x. s., d. j. undersander, d. k. combs. 2012. effects of lactobacillus inoculants and forage dry matter on the fermentation and aerobic stability of ensiled mixed-crop tall fescue and meadow fescue. journal of animal science.90, suppl. 3/journal of dairy science. 95, suppl. 2, 534-535 (abstract).

x. s. guo, y. zhang, j. w. zhou, r. j. long, g. s. xin, b. qi, l. m. ding, h. c. wang. 2012. nitrogen metabolism and recycling in yaks (bos grunniens) offered a forage:concentrate diet differing in n composition. animal production science, 52, 287-296.

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l. tao, z. yu, x.s. guo and h. zhou. 2011. ensiling and in vitro digestibility characteristics of ceratoides arborescens treated with lactic acid bacteria inoculants and cellulose. african journal of biotechnology, 10(66), 14947-14953.

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g.s. xin, r.j. long, x.s. guo, j. irvine, l.m. ding, l.l. ding and z.h. shang. 2011. blood mineral status of grazing tibetan sheep in the northeast of the qinghai–tibetan plateau. livestock science. 136, 102-107.

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guo x.s., xu d.m., ke w.c., ding w.r., zhang p. 2018. modulation of bacterial community and metabolome in whole crop corn silage by inoculation homofermentative lactobacillus plantarum and heterfermentative lactobacillus buchneri. in: proceedings of the xviii international silage conference, july 24-26,bonn, germany. p. 158-159. oral presentation.

w.c. ke, d.m. xu, p. zhang, f.h. li, m.n. shah, x.s. guo*. 2018. effects of four organic acids known as key intermediates in citric acid cycle on fermentation quality of lucerne silage. in: proceedings of the xviii international silage conference, july 24-26, bonn, germany. p. 264-265.

guo x.s., xu d.m., ke w.c., ding w.r., zhang p. 2018. modulation of bacterial community and metabolome in silage by inoculation homofermentative lactobacillus plantarum and heterfermentative lactobacillus buchneri. in: proceedings of the 7th japan-china-korea grassland science conference, july 8-10,sapporo, hokkaido university,japan. p. 160-165. invited speaker.

guo, x.s.,ke, w.c.,zhang, h.m,bao, a.a. 2015. metabolomic profiles of alfalfa silage inoculated with or without lactobacillus plantarum and l. buchneri. ι. fermentation quality and differentially expressed metabolites. in: proceedings of the xvii international silage conference, july 1-3, piracicaba, brazil. p. 68-69.oral presentation

guo x.s., w.c. ke, h. m. zhang, a.a. bao, m. chen, j. zhang and p.x. jing. 2015. metabolomic profi les of alfalfa silage inoculated with or without lactobacillus plantarum and l. buchneri. п. metabolites distribution patterns. in: proceedings of the xvii international silage conference, july 1-3, piracicaba, brazil. p. 430-431.

guo x.s. z.h.shang, l.m. ding. 2013. high altitude stress of the tibetan plateau confers alpine herbages and animal products with high nutritive value and quality. in: proceedings of 17th meeting of the fao-ciheam mountain pasture network: pastoralism and ecosystem conservation.  june 5-7, 2013, trivero, italy. oral presentation

marsetyo, muhammad shoaib tufail, samuel mbuku, mupenzi mutimura, xusheng guo and john piltz. utilisation of conserved forage to improve livestock production on smallholder farms in asia and africa. in: proceedings 22nd international grassland congress, 15-19 september 2013. sydney, nsw, australia. oral presentation

guo x.s. influence of plant enzyme inactivation or sterilization on lipolysis in ensiled alfalfa. in: proceedings of the iii international symposium on forage quality and conservation. july 22-23rd, 2013.  royal palm plaza resort, campinas, sp – brazil.

x. s. guo. 2012. contribution of endo and exopeptidases to formation of nonprotein n during ensiling of alfalfa. in: proceedings of the xvi international silage conference, july 2-4, 2012, hameenlina, finland. p. 58-59. oral presentation.

x.s. guo, ruijun long, luming ding, wolfgang bayer. goat products, breeding objectives and flock structure on the tibetan plateau. in: multifunctional grasslands in a changing world. organizing committee of 2008 igc/irc (eds.) proceeding of the ⅹⅺinternational grassland conference and international rangeland conference, hohhot, china. 2008, vol.ⅱ, 105.

x.s. guo, h. zhou. effect of different additives on nitrogen distribution of alfalfa silage. in: long p.g. and z.b. nan (eds.) proceeding of the 2th china-japan-korea international grassland conference, lanzhou, china, 2006, 47-48.


1. research progress on forage production, processing and utilization in china. springer, 2022,isbn 978-981-16-7541-6,主编。

2. 全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材《草产品加工与利用》,中国农业出版社,2019-12,isbn 978-7-109-26002-3,副主编。

3. 全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材《草业机械与设备》,中国农业出版社,2017-9,isbn 978-7-109-23187-0,副主编。

4. 高等农林教育“十三五”规划教材《草产品加工与贮藏学》,中国农业大学出版社,2019-05,isbn: 9787565521850,参编。

最新更新时间: 2023-10-25