














  1. 1991.陇东学院生物系毕业。
  2. 2001.兰州大学生态学专业博士毕业。
  3. 2005.英国约克大学生物系,访问学者(csc项目)。
  4. 2005.中国科学院寒区旱区环境工程研究所,博士后。
  5. 2015.美国北亚利桑那大学生物系,高级访问学者(csc项目)。
  6. 2017.英国约克大学生物系,高级研究学者(csc优秀导师项目)。







  • 坡向对土壤微生物群落与生态系统多功能性的影响机制研究(31971445)(国家自然科学基金面上项目)(主持)
  • 祁连山阴阳坡菌根真菌分异机理研究(31670433)(国家自然科学基金面上项目)(主持)
  • 放牧和施肥条件下高寒草甸植物群落和菌根真菌互作机制研究(31170482)(国家自然科学基金)(主持)。
  • 青藏高原退化草地生态系统中菌根真菌群落特征研究(31370450),(国家自然科学基金)(主持)。
  • 中国荒漠主要植物群落调查(阿拉善高原-河西走廊荒漠主要植物群落调查)(2017fy100203)(科技部)(参加)。




2、教学研究项目:主持:2003年,兰州大学双语教学《植物生物学》;参加: 2004,兰州大学第二批重点课程建设项目《生命科学概论》;主编:2008年,兰州大学教材建设项目,《植物学实验指导》修订;参加:2009年,兰州大学教务处,《植物生物学》省级精品课程;主持:2009年兰州大学通识教育选修课建设项目《应用生物学》;主持:2011年,兰州大学,本科生专业实习基地建设与就业力提升模式研究(201122),结题优秀;主持:2014年,兰州大学,生命科学“active teaching/learning”课堂研究(201412),结题优秀;主持:2015年,兰州大学,《萃英草木》教材建设项目;主持,2016年,兰州大学,《基础生命科学实验指导》教材建设项目;








2、研究方向:菌根生物学; 共生生物学;植物学与植物生态学学;文物微生物与保护


  • 2007年,教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第2)。
  • 2007年,兰州大学优秀班主任称号。
  • 2007年,兰州大学创新创业优秀指导教师。
  • 2008年,甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖(排名第2)。
  • 2008年,兰州大学工会积极分子。
  • 2009年,兰州大学“教书育人”先进个人。
  • 2009年,兰州大学“隆基中青年教学骨干教师奖”。
  • 2010年,甘肃省领军人才(第二层次)。
  • 2011年,兰州大学优秀共产党员称号。
  • 2011年,甘肃省大中专学生志愿者暑期文化科技卫生“三下乡”社会实践优秀指导教师。
  • 2011年,兰州大学优秀共产党员。
  • 2012年,甘肃省科技进步奖一等奖(排名第2)。
  • 2012年,兰州大学第三届“我最喜爱的十大教师”称号。
  • 2012年,兰州大学本科教学管理工作先进个人。
  • 2013年,获得兰州大学教学成果一等奖。
  • 2013年,宝钢优秀教师奖(201310174)。
  • 2013年,“生物类本科就业-实习基地建设的实践与思考” 被《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》评为2012-2013年度优秀论文。
  • 2014年,甘肃省教学成果二等奖。
  • 2010年,甘肃省领军人才(第二层次)。
  • 2014年,兰州大学隆基教学名师奖。
  • 2014年, “国外主要生命科学教育教学类期刊简介”被《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》评为2013-2014年度优秀论文。
  • 2015年,兰州大学“师德标兵”称号。
  • 2015年,兰州大学教学成果一等奖(排名第2)。
  • 2015年,“网络时代教师角色的转换与应对策略” 被《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》评为2014-2015年度优秀论文。
  • 2015年,被《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》评为年度优秀编委。
  • 2016年,“高校生物学学科核心能力与实践探讨”被《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》评为2015-2016年度优秀论文。
  • 2016年,四川大学教学成果奖一等奖(排名第2)。
  • 2017年,甘肃省教育厅教学成果奖(排名第2)。
  • 2017年,四川省教学成果一等奖(排名第4)。 
  • 2019年,兰州大学“三走进”先进个人。
  • 2020年,兰州大学抗疫先进个人。
  • 2021年,兰州大学优秀共产党员。
  • 2021年,兰州大学教学成果奖二等奖。
  • 2021年,甘肃省教学成果奖一等奖。



  1. 曹仪植 主编, 《拟南芥》,高等教育出版社, 参加编写, 2004
  2. 叶创兴,冯虎元,田兴军 主编, 《大学植物图册》,高等教育出版社, 2006.8
  3. 叶创兴,冯虎元 主编,《植物学实验指导》,清华大学出版社,2006.2
  4. 冯虎元、高岚 主编,《生物学野外实习综合指导》,高等教育出版,2011.6
  5. 叶创兴,冯虎元,廖文波 主编,《植物学实验指导》(第2版),清华大学出版社,2012.11
  6. 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材 《环境生态学导论》,(参编),科学出版社,2009
  7. 叶创兴 朱念德 廖文波 刘蔚秋 冯虎元 《植物学)第2版)》,高等教育出版社,2015
  8. 冯虎元 潘建斌 安黎哲 《萃英草木》,高等教育出版社,2016
  9. 冯虎元 潘建斌 《中国常见植物野外植物手册》(祁连山册),商务印书馆,2016
  10. 冯虎元 牛炳韬 孟雪琴 《基础生命科学实验指导》,兰州大学出版社,2017
  11. 冯虎元 潘建斌 李波卡 安黎哲 《萃英百草图》,兰州大学出版社,2019
  12. 刘建泉 李波卡 冯虎元 《安南坝维管植物图册》,兰州大学出版社,2019
  13. 廖文波 刘蔚秋 冯虎元等 《植物学)第3版)》,高等教育出版社,2020
  14. 程江船 李波卡 冯虎元 丁海霞 《碌曲维管植物图谱》,兰州大学出版社,2020
  15. 李波卡 潘建斌 冯虎元 《兴隆山维管植物图谱》,兰州大学出版社,2020
  16. 潘建斌 冯虎元 《植物学实验指导》,兰州大学出版社,2021


  1. pan, j., liu, y., yang, y., cheng, z., lan, x., hu, w., shi, g., zhang, q. and feng, h. (2022), slope aspect determines the abundance and composition of nitrogen-cycling microbial communities in an alpine ecosystem. environ microbiol. https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15900
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  7. bahadur a, jin zc, jiang sj, chai yx, zhang q, pan jb, liu yj, feng hy (2019) arbuscular mycorrhizal spores distribution across different ecosystems of qinghai tibetan plateau. pakistan journal of botany, 51: 1481-1492.
  8. mao l, pan jb, jiang sj, shi gx, qin ms, zhao zg, zhang q, an lz, feng hy, liu yj  (2019) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community recovers faster than plant community in historically disturbed tibetan grasslands. soil biology and biochemistry, 134: 131-141.
  9. ma bb, zhou xl, zhang q, qin ms, hu lg, yang kn, xie z, ma wb, chen bb, feng hy, liu yj, du gz , ma xj , roux xl (2019) how do soil microorganisms respond to n, p and np additions? application of the ecological framework of (co-)limitation by multiple resources. journal of ecology, 107: 2329-2345.
  10. qin ms, shi gx, miranda j-p, liu yj, meng ym, pan jb, chai y, jiang sj, zhou gy, feng hy, zhang q . (2019) revegetation differentially influences microbial trophic groups in a qinghai-tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem. journal of basic microbiology, 59: 992-1003.
  11. qin ms, shi gx, zhang q, meng ym, liu yj, pan jb, jiang sj, zhou gy, feng hy  (2019) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi serve as keystone taxa for revegetation on the tibetan plateau. journal of basic microbiology, 59: 609-620.
  12. qin ms, zhang q, pan jb, jiang sj, liu yj, bahadur a, peng zl, yang y, feng hy  (2019) effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil enzyme activity is coupled with increased plant biomass. european journal of soil science, doi: 10.1111/ejss.12815.
  13. jiang sj, liu yj , luo jj, qin ms, johnson nc, öpik m, vasar m, chai yx, zhou xl, mao l, du gz, an lz, feng hy  (2018) dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community structure and functioning along a nitrogen enrichment gradient in an alpine meadow ecosystem. new phytologist,doi: 10.1111/nph.15112,https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/nph.15112
  14. garcía de león d, davison j, moora m, öpik m, feng hy, hiiesalu i, jairus t, koorem k, liu yj, phosri c, sepp sk, vasar m, zobel m (2018) anthropogenic disturbance equalizes diversity levels in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. global change biology, https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14131
  15. tian tian,  fasi wu,  yantian ma,  ting xiang,  wenxia ma,  weigang hu,  guangwen wu,  lizhe an,  wanfu wang, huyuan feng. description of naumannella cuiyingiana sp. nov., isolated from a ca. 1500-year-old mural painting, and emended description of the genus naumannella., international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology,2017, 67: 2609-2614, doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.001964
  16. bahadur ali, ahmad rizwan, afzal aftab, feng huyuan, suthar vishandas, batool asfa, khan aman, mahmood ul hassan muhammad. the influences of cr-tolerant rhizobacteria in phytoremediation and attenuation of cr(vi) stress in agronomic sunflower (helianthus annuus l.). chemosphere, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.03.102, jul 2017
  17. wu fasi, wang wanfu, feng huyuan, gu ji dong. realization of biodeterioration to cultural heritage protection in china. international biodeterioration & biodegradation, doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2016.12.002, feb 2017
  18. duan yulong, wu fasi, wang wanfu, he dongpeng, gu ji dong, feng huyuan, chen tuo, liu guangxiu, an lizhe. the microbial community characteristics of ancient painted sculptures in maijishan grottoes, china (vol 12, e0179718, 2017). plos one, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0183598, aug 2017
  19. hu weigang, zhang qi, tian tian, li dingyao, cheng gang, mu jing, wu qingbai, niu fujun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. characterization of the prokaryotic diversity through a stratigraphic permafrost core profile from the qinghai-tibet plateau. extremophiles, doi:10.1007/s00792-016-0825-y, may 2016
  20. ma wenbin, jiang shengjing, assemien feline, qin mingsen, ma beibei, xie zhen, liu yonjun, feng huyuan, du guozhen, ma xiaojun, le, roux xavier. response of microbial functional groups involved in soil n cycle to n, p and np fertilization in tibetan alpine meadows. soil biology & biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.07.023, oct 2016
  21. hu weigang, zhang qi, tian tian, cheng guodong, an lizhe, feng huyuan. the microbial diversity, distribution, and ecology of permafrost in china: a review. extremophiles, doi:10.1007/s00792-015-0749-y, jul 2015
  22. liu yongjun, mao lin, li junyong, shi guoxi, jiang shengjing, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, du guozhen, feng huyuan. resource availability differentially drives community assemblages of plants and their root-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. plant and soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2261-z, jan 2015
  23. hu weigang, zhang qi, tian tian, li dingyao, cheng gang, mu jing, wu qingbai, niu fujun, stegen james, c., an lizhe, feng huyuan. relative roles of deterministic and stochastic processes in driving the vertical distribution of bacterial communities in a permafrost core from the qinghai-tibet plateau, china. plos one, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145747, dec 2015
  24. ma yantian, zhang he, du ye, tian tian, xiang ting, liu xiande, wu fasi, an lizhe, wang wanfu, gu ji dong, feng huyuan. the community distribution of bacteria and fungi on ancient wall paintings of the mogao grottoes. scientific reports, doi:10.1038/srep07752, jan 2015
  25. liu yongjun, johnson nancy, collins, mao lin, shi guoxi, jiang shengjing, ma xiaojun, du guozhen, an lizhe, feng huyuan. phylogenetic structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal community shifts in response to increasing soil fertility. soil biology & biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.07.007, oct 2015
  26. wang wanfu, wu fasi, ji aihong, feng huyuan. advancement and prospect of bionic techniques in the conservation of the cultural heritage. advances in bionic engineering, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.461.469,  2014
  27. helgason thorunn, feng huyuan, sherlock david, j., young j., peter, w., fitter alastair, h.. arbuscular mycorrhizal communities associated with maples (acer spp.) in a common garden are influenced by season and host plant. botany-botanique, doi:10.1139/cjb-2013-0263, apr 2014
  28. hu weigang, jiao zhifang, wu fasi, liu yongjun, dong maoxing, ma xiaojun, fan tinglu, an lizhe, feng huyuan. long-term effects of fertilizer on soil enzymatic activity of wheat field soil in loess plateau, china. ecotoxicology, doi:10.1007/s10646-014-1329-0, dec 2014
  29. niu fujun, he junxia, zhang gaosen, liu xiaomei, liu wei, dong maoxing, wu fasi, liu yongjun, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. effects of enhanced uv-b radiation on the diversity and activity of soil microorganism of alpine meadow ecosystem in qinghai-tibet plateau. ecotoxicology, doi:10.1007/s10646-014-1314-7, dec 2014
  30. zhang qi, liu xiaomei, ma xiaojun, fang jian, fan tinglu, wu fasi, an lizhe, feng huyuan. microcalorimetric study of the effects of long-term fertilization on soil microbial activity in a wheat field on the loess plateau. ecotoxicology, doi:10.1007/s10646-014-1315-6, dec 2014
  31. xiao rui, chen binze, liu yongjun, wang chuanpei, gu ji dong, feng huyuan, du guozhen, ma xiaojun. higher abundance of ammonia oxidizing archaea than ammonia oxidizing bacteria and their communities in tibetan alpine meadow soils under long-term nitrogen fertilization. geomicrobiology journal, doi:10.1080/01490451.2013.875298,  2014
  32. hu weigang, zhang qi, li dingyao, cheng gang, mu jing, wu qingbai, niu fujun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. diversity and community structure of fungi through a permafrost core profile from the qinghai-tibet plateau of china. journal of basic microbiology, doi:10.1002/jobm.201400232, dec 2014
  33. mao lin, liu yongjun, shi guoxi, jiang shengjing, cheng gang, li xingmao, an lizhe, feng huyuan. wheat cultivars form distinctive communities of root-associated arbuscular mycorrhiza in a conventional agroecosystem. plant and soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-013-1943-2, jan 2014
  34. shi guoxi, liu yongjun, johnson nancy, collins, olsson pal, axel, mao lin, cheng gang, jiang shengjing, an lizhe, du guozhen, feng huyuan. interactive influence of light intensity and soil fertility on root-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. plant and soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2022-z, may 2014
  35. shi guoxi, liu yongjun, mao lin, jiang shengjing, zhang qi, cheng gang, an lizhe, du guozhen, feng huyuan. relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes in driving arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal assemblage during the spreading of a toxic plant. plos one, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095672, apr 2014
  36. zhang xinfang, xu shijian, li changming, zhao lin, feng huyuan, yue guangyang, ren zhengwei, cheng guogdong. the soil carbon/nitrogen ratio and moisture affect microbial community structures in alkaline permafrost-affected soils with different vegetation types on the tibetan plateau. research in microbiology, doi:10.1016/j.resmic.2014.01.002, feb-mar 2014
  37. xie zhen, le, roux xavier, wang chuanpei, gu zhenkuan, an miao, nan huaiyan, chen binze, li fan, liu yongjun, du guozhen, feng huyuan, ma xiaojun. identifying response groups of soil nitrifiers and denitrifiers to grazing and associated soil environmental drivers in tibetan alpine meadows. soil biology & biochemistry, doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.06.024, oct 2014
  38. zhu shan, zhao qi, zhang gaosen, jiang zhonghao, sheng hongmei, feng huyuan, an lizhe. paracoccus tibetensis sp nov., isolated from qinghai-tibet plateau permafrost. international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, doi:10.1099/ijs.0.041905-0, may 2013
  39. ye bingjing, feng huyuan, zhao jihua, fang jian, shen weiguo. microcalorimetry study on the microbial activity of permafrost on the tibetan plateau of china. journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry, doi:10.1007/s10973-012-2260-3, mar 2013
  40. pan jianbin, liu yongjun, he xinhua, kang shichang, hou yuhong, an lizhe, feng huyuan. arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophytic fungi at 5,500 m on a glacier forefront in the qinghai-tibet plateau, china. symbiosis, doi:10.1007/s13199-013-0245-z, jun 2013
  41. chen tuo, zhao zhiguang, zhang youfu, qiang weiya, feng huyuan, an lizhe, li zhongqin. physiological variations in chloroplasts of rhodiola coccinea along an altitudinal gradient in tianshan mountain. acta physiologiae plantarum, doi:10.1007/s11738-011-0897-3, may 2012
  42. wang wanfu, ma yantian, ma xu, wu fasi, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. diversity and seasonal dynamics of airborne bacteria in the mogao grottoes, dunhuang, china. aerobiologia, doi:10.1007/s10453-011-9208-0, mar 2012
  43. yan an, pan jianbin, an lizhe, gan yinbo, feng huyuan. the responses of trichome mutants to enhanced ultraviolet-b radiation in arabidopsis thaliana. journal of photochemistry and photobiology b-biology, doi:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2012.04.011, aug 2012
  44. liu yongjun, mao lin, he xinhua, cheng gang, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. rapid change of am fungal community in a rain-fed wheat field with short-term plastic film mulching practice. mycorrhiza, doi:10.1007/s00572-011-0378-y, jan 2012
  45. liu yongjun, shi guoxi, mao lin, cheng gang, jiang shengjing, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, du guozhen, johnson nancy, collins, feng huyuan. direct and indirect influences of 8 yr of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on glomeromycota in an alpine meadow ecosystem. new phytologist, doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04050.x, apr 2012
  46. liu yongjun, he junxia, shi guoxi, an lizhe, oepik maarja, feng huyuan. diverse communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inhabit sites with very high altitude in tibet plateau. fems microbiology ecology, doi:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01163.x, nov 2011
  47. wang wanfu, ma xu, ma yantian, mao lin, wu fasi, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. molecular characterization of airborne fungi in caves of the mogao grottoes, dunhuang, china. international biodeterioration & biodegradation, doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2011.04.006, aug 2011
  48. wu fasi, dong maoxing, liu yongjun, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, young j., peter, w., feng huyuan. effects of long-term fertilization on am fungal community structure and glomalin-related soil protein in the loess plateau of china. plant and soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0688-4, may 2011
  49. wang wanfu, ma xu, ma yantian, mao lin, wu fasi, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. seasonal dynamics of airborne fungi in different caves of the mogao grottoes, dunhuang, china. international biodeterioration & biodegradation, doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2010.05.005, sep 2010
  50. wang wanfu, ma yantian, ma xu, wu fasi, ma xiaojun, an lizhe, feng huyuan. seasonal variations of airborne bacteria in the mogao grottoes, dunhuang, china. international biodeterioration & biodegradation, doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2010.03.004, jul 2010
  51. li shi weng, xue lingui, xu shijian, feng huyuan, an lizhe. mediators, genes and signaling in adventitious rooting. botanical review, doi:10.1007/s12229-009-9029-9, jun 2009
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