the 2nd international brassinosteroid conference-澳门银银河官方网

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the 2nd international brassinosteroid conference

日期: 2015-03-05 阅读:

the 2ndinternational brassinosteroid conference

may 19-22, 2015, wuhan, hubei, china

brassinosteroids (brs) are plant specific steroid hormones essential for plant development and stress responses. in the last two decades, br-related research field has expanded to many aspects, such as br’s action, biosynthesis, metabolism, and signaling. since the 1stinternational brassinosteroid conference in spain 2012, more outstanding progresses have been achieved in the structural and cellular basis of receptor activation, signaling network, molecular basis of brassinosteroid action in plant development and stress responses, and the application in agriculture. on behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announcethe 2ndinternational brassinosteroid conference will be held on may 19-22, 2015, in wuhan, hubei, china.

the conference will focus on the latest advances in br researches including hormone perception, receptor activation and downstream signaling, br-regulated plant growth and development, br crosstalks with environmental and other internal cues, biosynthesis and metabolism, and applicationin agriculture. experts from all over the world will share recent research advances, novel approaches, and creative ideas to facilitate collaborations and further development for the community of hormone biology.

we invited many outstanding scientists in the brassinosteroid field to present their recent findings. young faculties, postdocs, and graduate students working in the related fields are encouraged to participate in this exciting conference. all attendee are welcome to submit abstracts and present your recent results as posters.

the conference will be held in wuhan, the biggest city and transportation hub of central china, which has long been well known as a “thoroughfare to nine provinces”. the most attractions include the yangtze river (长江), east lake (东湖) (the largest city lake of china), and the yellow crane tower (黄鹤楼). scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent yellow crane tower. we hope you will enjoy those social events in addition to the scientific contents of this conference.

this website will be often updated, so please visit us to learn the latest info of the conference.

wish to see you in charming wuhan.

date: may 19-22, 2015

may 19: onsite registration

may 20: conference time

may 21: conference time

may 22: conference time, tour, and departure


international academic exchange center, huazhong agricultural university

address: no.1,shizishanstreet, hongshan district, wuhan, hubei province, 430070,p.r.china

tel: 86-27-87280141, 87280142

this hotel is about 1 hour by taxi from tianhe airport, or 25 minutes by taxi from wuchang railway station.

local organizers:

xuelu wang (college of life science and technology and national key laboratory of crop genetic improvement, huazhong agricultural university)

jia li (college of life sciences, lanzhou university)

jianming li (shanghai center for plant stress biology, chinese academy of sciences, china)


chinese society for plant biology, cspb

conference committee:

ana i. caño-delgado (csic, centre de recerca en agrigenòmica, spain)

jia li (lanzhou university, china)

jianming li (chinese academy of sciences, china)

eugenia russinova (ghent university, belgium)

xuelu wang (huazhong agricultural university, china)

yanhai yin (iowa state university, usa)


haijiao wang (

chunjiao xia (

ju gan (
